According to Feeding America, over 414,000 people face hunger in Utah, including one in six children. It’s a heartbreaking reality for more Utahns than ever, as inflation has sky-rocketed in recent years and resulted in alarming food insecurity. This holiday season, we can show our gratitude by getting involved with community efforts to alleviate hunger. Here are a few ideas of where you can volunteer in Utah:
Donate to the Holiday Food Drive at Utah Food Bank
The Utah Food Bank is doing their annual food and fund drive through the holiday season. To participate, drop off food donations at any Harmons in the state, the Riverton Chevrolet Car Dealership, Karl Malone Auto, or Utah Food Bank’s locations in SLC or St. George. Their most needed food items are peanut butter, mac & cheese, canned meats, chili, spaghetti-Os or ravioli, canned fruits or any other boxed meal. You can also volunteer in person by working in the warehouse or by decorating and delivering food boxes. If you don’t have time to go in person, you can donate money to the food bank. Every dollar donated turns into $7.80 worth of goods and services. Learn more about volunteering opportunities.
Get Involved with The Road Home
The Road Home invites volunteers to help with meal prep and service seven days a week for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You also get involved by donating items, reading books on their literacy night, and leading craft activities.
Volunteer at the International Rescue Committee
The International Rescue Committee’s programs are designed to help refugees thrive in the United States. There are a variety of ways you can get involved: donate, volunteer, gather supplies, advocate, partner, raise awareness, and stay informed. Find out how to get involved.
Serve a Thanksgiving Meal with Salt Lake City Mission
Take some time this Thanksgiving to serve dinner to those who are currently going without food or shelter. The Salt Lake City Mission needs volunteers of all ages to help distribute the meals. If you can’t make it for Thanksgiving, the Mission also does a Christmas food box giveaway and another dinner on New Year’s Day. They could also use some help with their day-to-day operations including attendants in the food pantry and clothing room as well as drivers to pick up and deliver donations.
Be a Driver for Meals on Wheels
Every day, Meals on Wheels delivers food to homebound seniors. Volunteers are needed to help deliver these meals, but perhaps the most important part of this job is being the friendly connection for these isolated elders as you deliver their meals. Volunteers will be asked to deliver meals during a 1-2 hour route at least twice a month with a delivery time between 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This service opportunity is available year-round, so help is needed even after the holiday season.
Prepare and Serve a Meal at the Women’s Resource Center
The WRC serves up to 200 women experiencing homelessness a day. Volunteer your time to help prep weekly meals, or spend your time providing positive community engagement as you serve a meal. Other volunteer opportunities include sorting donations, refilling hygiene bins, mentoring youth and more. Apply for a shift here.
Can Food at Welfare Square
Volunteers are essential to the success of the Welfare Square cannery, which supplies food banks and other community resources with food for those in need. Get a couple friends or your family and come help process and can goods like applesauce, jams, salsa, and spaghetti sauce. Schedule a shift with the program coordinator.
These organizations rely on volunteers and donations from the community, so give the gift of your time and generosity this holiday season.
Donate your Food When You Move
Move for Hunger is an organization committed to reducing food waste during moves. Instead of throwing out your non-perishable pantry items when relocating, connect with their large network of volunteers to donate items. Simple set aside unopened, non-perishable food items and their crew will pack it up and deliver it to a local food pantry. Find a mover near you here.
“Rescue” Edible Food for Waste Less Solutions
Help Waste Less Solutions divert food from landfills to feed those in need. The organization teams up with food purveyors and companies with excess high quality food to transform their would-be needless waste into nutritious meals. Get involved in food rescue using your own car to transport edible food to nonprofit partners. Create an account with Food Rescue US to get started.
Scrambling to prep Thanksgiving dinner? Check out these restaurants serving Thanksgiving feasts for dine-in or take-out.
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